Monday, September 26, 2011

Somehow working life sucks. Is like you waking up at 6.30a.m to get yourself prepared for work, stucked is some traffic jams and reaching office about 8a.m.

And at to is where you going to work your ass off. Busying this and that, but sometimes when you called it off a day, is like you have done nothing and there are still tones of workload is awaiting for you.

Officially stated that you finish work at 5pm, but in reality the chances of leaving office at 5.30p.m is kind of low. You know, when you almost done packing and about to leave, there is where people will start buzzing in and knock you down with problems and questions.

By the time, you settle everything and OFFICIALLY leaving is about 6.30 already and by the time you reached home and settled down it would be 8p.m.

You see..In a day, you are only left with few hours to yourself for doing something you really enjoy. Not to be forgotten, you must never sleep late else you going to be some zombie wondering around the office the next day.

How i wish i could skip work as like how i skipped classes during college days!!!

3 lalala..:

JayJun said...

my chances of leaving office on 5.30pm is almost 80%..haha

[fong88] said...

jayjunL dont eksyen..><..weih, update your bloggie ler..

JayJun said...

update ald ok!