Monday, September 26, 2011

Its been 2 weeks since Starwalk 2011. I joined the walk with my colleagues and something really funny happened. The walk supposed to be starting at 6.30a.m for the competition event. Yes, we are on competition event, but we are there at 7a.m. Back then, we still take things easily since we still seeing a lot people around.

The nervous and yet the funny feelings only came in when we started our walk for 5 minutes. Not even a glimpse of competition walker is there to be seen. Only left 3 of us back there. Only then we realized there already started walking 30 minutes ahead of us and this 30 minutes might even get them at least 5km for the fast walkers.

But nevertheless, our effort is never a waste, we still managed to finish the 10km walk within 2 hours and get the certificate!!!

0 lalala..: