Monday, April 20, 2009


1. guys that never understand women and never have the intention to understand.

2. guys that never keep his promises *promises are meant to be broken is not applicable over here*

3. guys that never know when to be serious and when to be funny.

4. guys that are late for the date or not punctual on certain occasion.

5. guys that devoted his life 200% to the work and don't care about the surroundings.

6. guys that never sensitive over what happening around.

7. guys that never try to apologizes for his wrong and worst part is trying to pretend he's right.

8. guys that never let down his ego all life long.

9. guys that never take care of his cleanliness and stink like hell.

10. guys that never understand the feelings of the women and their pms-ses.

3 lalala..:

Regina said...

Oh so true..

[fong88] said...

yea..voices down my heart=(

Sharon said...

and the search for the perfect man goes on.... :p