something is wrong somewhere with this world..
how can petrol price hike up so drastically??
have we all lost the oil resources?
on my mind,if not mistaken,we were exporting oil out all this while..
and out of sudden the price hike up again, again and again..
it seems endless..
something must be done by some one!!!
INFLATION is definitely going to happen me..=P
in the near future,even if you dropped 50 bucks on the road
no one is going to be bothered..
my advice now is to those who are interested in buying cars,think twice before you buy..
the not the car's price issue anymore BUT is the petrol that is going to run the whole car..
oppsss..not to be forgotten, electricity rate increase as well..
prices of the good will increase but what make it worst is salary did not increase..>.<
2 lalala..:
Aiyah! Oil still got a lot lah! It is our boleh gov! Really boleh wan! So every things up excepts salary!
Welcome to BoLEhLAnd where we are only interested to have more APs and not a good public Transport system!
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