Monday, December 3, 2007

Truths are hurtful

Something is better left unsaid and undone

Nothing last forever

Nothing is impossible is just another phrase.

Birthday wishes just don’t come true

Obstacle and difficulties is just another part of the life process

Failures make a person more successful

Learn how to crawl before learn how to fly

Worst enemy is ownself

Sun will still rise after the rain stops

Winner is not the champion

Winning and losing are just experience

be it rich or poor , you still live till u're 80 or stop worrying and relax yourself yea!!!

4 lalala..:

Bee said...

so poetic all of a sudden? haha

[fong88] said...

bee, is still not too late 4 u 2 know..XDDD

Horny Ang Moh said...

So true what u have written! Have a nice day!

[fong88] said...

hor ny ang moh : YEAH...XDDD